Anyways, I saw Contagion in Imax. Aside from science documentaries at the St. Louis Science Center Omnimax Theater (All rights reserved), I'd only ever seen two films in Imax; The Imaginarium of Dr. Convoluted Name and Harry Potter Part 7 Part 2. Both were in 3D. (I may not have the drive to run a successful film blog, but I have the cynical part perfected.)
My opinions of the films notwithstanding, I didn't care for either movie's presentation. 3D is a gimmick. I don't care how much hype you thrust in my general direction, I don't want to pay an extra six dollars just to see a background that is relatively recessed. Plus, everything looks dark and the peripheries are all shadowy.

Contagion was an intense and harrowing ride, made all the more powerful by its Imax presentation. I don't know if it's worth an additional five dollars, but Imax is certainly worth a look. A 2d look.
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