41.) Elf - Baby, It's Cold Outside
Written by Frank Loesser
Performed by Zooey Deschanel and Will Ferrell

The scene: Days before Christmas, childlike Buddy (Will Ferrell) stumbles upon Jovi (Zooey Deschanel) preparing for work as a department store holiday helper. Thinking she's alone, she sings a holiday classic in the shower. Not thinking anything of it, Buddy welcomes himself to provide some uninvited harmonies. It's the most uncomfortable shower scene since Psycho.
The song: Listen to the lyrics: this song is about date rape. It's got all levels of creepiness, and for some reason, it's a holiday staple. Deschanel (either really unaware of the song's content, or really eager to revisit the well) later recorded a full-length version of Baby, It's Cold Outside on her band's holiday album, A Very She & Him Christmas. Will Ferrell, meanwhile, continues to play Buddy the Elf in every single movie he's cast in.
40.) Juno - Anyone Else but You
Written by The Moldy Peaches
Performed by Ellen Page and Michael Cera

The scene: Juno (Ellen Page) had the misfortune of experiencing the milestones of romance all out of order; sex first, then motherhood, then finally love. Her adventure over, Juno has nothing left to do but continue her normal, average life where she left off, making up for lost time, and exploring the mysteries of love with her boyfriend Paulie (Michael Cera).
The song: Juno is a film that inverts romantic conventions. The woman is the center of attention, the woman is the one who screws up, the woman is the one with faults and problems to overcome, and the woman has to win the man back. Reflecting this, Juno and Paulie switch the male and female parts of the song. Moldy Peaches frontwoman Kimya Dawson coached the duo on how to perform the song. To her own admission, Cera and Page "sing it better than us."
39.) Shaun of the Dead - Don't Stop Me Now
Performed by Queen

The scene: Sheltered temporarily from a zombie swarm inside a tavern, Shaun, Ed and Liz (Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Kate Ashfield) are forced to fight off a particularly resilient zombie using the only resources available: pool cues, darts and a fire extinguisher. And somebody left the jukebox on.
The song: Shaun of the Dead straddles the line between horror and comedy. Every genuinely terrifying moment is delivered with a wacky approach or a quirky resolution. In this style, Don't Stop Me Now is the perfect song to accompany a fight scene because, ordinarily, it would be the least appropriate song to play during a fight scene.
38.) The Royal Tenenenbaums - These Days
Performed by Nico

The scene: Estranged siblings Margot and Richie Tenenbaum (Gwyneth Paltrow and Luke Wilson) are reacquainted upon learning of their father's eminent death. To Margot, it's a reconnection with her brother. For Richie, it's a tumultuous internal storm. Margot is his sister, albeit adopted, but he's not entirely certain how to approach his romantic feelings. Regardless, he can't help but hear music when he sees her face.
The song: Director Wes Anderson is one of those people who could find the perfect song for any setting, any scenery, any character, and any feeling. I bet he has some really interesting playlists on his MP3 player ("An unseasonably warm New England autumn day spent with a dog, shortly after learning one's daughter has been accepted into a prestigious European university: 6 tracks, 19 minutes.") We don't need any words to understand Richie's thoughts. We don't a look, a nod, a raised eyebrow, anything. We just need an Eisenstein cross-cut, a fisheye lens, and the song.
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